Bruno Flaven
Bruno Flaven
Digital Project Manager
Email :
I love working on all aspects of digital projects from concept to launch marketing to technical production.
Since 2013 FMM (France Medias Monde), Paris. Project Manager, PO, Trainer
- As an Artificial Intelligence Coordinator
- Use case mapping
- Models Selection according to use cases based on business constraints (security, confidentiality, cost control, multilingualism)
- From POC (LLM + API + Webapp) to Product in Python as a webservice.
- As a Project Manager
- Worked on redesigning websites around the first API’s version (.net) and implementing also a SSO (Single-Sign-On) solution (janrain).
- Currently Project Manager on mobile applications (iOS and Android) for France Media Monde (FMM): France24, RFI, MCD.
- RFI: 1 News application – named RFI, 1 Player Application named RFI PureRadio. Both in 13 languages and in iOS and Android.
- F24: 1 News application. Both in 4 languages and in iOS and Android.
- MCD: 1 News application (RFI), 1 Player application (MCD PureRadio). Both in Arabic both and in iOS and Android.
- All the apps are available on the store on Google Store and Apple store.
- All the projects are managed in Agile Scrum with all the rituals (Backlog, Sprint planning, Daily, Sprint review, Sprint Retro…etc.)
- Work with a PO and manage 3 mobile developers.
- As a PO (Product Owner)
- Worked for a more specific Backoffice named Cockpit integrating micro web-services e.g. Authentication management on Users, Roles, and Permissions Animation and on-line JSON editor to manage mobile applications, connected TV and website.
- Currently PO of the new FMM editorial back-office made with framework Symfony to replace the one made on Drupal.
- All the projects are managed in Agile Scrum with all the rituals (Backlog, Sprint planning, Daily, Sprint review, Sprint Retro…etc.)
- Manage 2 PHP developers.
- As a trainer
- Writed a books on testing an API based on my experience in FMM as all the products are API-Centric, on User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for a backoffice with Codeception and CodeceptJS and on a Training in Zambia for ZNBC on how to run a newswebsite with WP.
The books on Amazon:
The videos on Youtube:
The source code on GitHub:
Sites :,,,,
2006-2013 HECUBE – 3WDOC, Paris. Sales and Marketing Director
HECUBE is a web agency dedicated to the design and production of websites for web and mobile. Hecube is the creator of 3WDOC a cloud-based HTML5 SaaS to create interactive and rich-media experiences, presented at le LeWeb in 2010 at Google Workshop.
Marketing and commercial responsibilities
- Define the marketing offering of Hecube and 3WDOC SaaS.
- Business development, proposal, negotiation and sales negotiation
- Business plan, strategic partnership and funding: 91,000 Euros support from OSEO for 3WDOC
- Community manager and editor of Hecube and 3WDOC blogs, Twitter and Facebook accounts
- Day to day management of key accounts in the following sectors.
- Media and communication: Time Warner Group, Jalou Editions, Orange, France Télévision Interactive, Le Monde, CapaTV, Groupe Bayard, Agence Textuel La Mine, Agence Œil Public, AEF (France 24, RFI, Monte Carlo Doualiya).
- NGO and public institutions: La Mairie de Paris (forum des images), Ministère de la défense, Ministère de l’Education Nationale, UNESCO.
- Lifestyle & E-commerce:,, Carat and Moi, Charmes et Traditions, Bacsac.
Project Management responsibilities
- Definition of multimedia strategy, functional specifications, wireframes and modeling, ergonomics, user interfaces design and project monitoring.
- Coordination of multidisciplinary project teams: development, editorial content and web design.
- User training in more than 12 universities and journalism schools (Louis Lumière d’Assas University, University Marne la Vallée, University de Lorraine, EMI, CFPJ, Cinedoc, CEFPF, IHECS, University of Bristol…)
2002-2006 STYLE-VISION, Nice. Web marketing manager
Style-Vision provides full service consulting for product innovation and creative branding to leading brands of the lifestyle industries in USA and Europe (Toyota, Orange, Volkswagen Group, Swarovski, Philips Design, etc.) and in Asia (Tata Motors, Luthai textile, Lining, etc.).
Major responsibilities
Consultant in product innovation and “creative branding” for brands leaders in the “lifestyle” industry in the USA, Europe (Toyota, Orange, Volkswagen Group, Swarovski, Philips Design, etc..) and Asia (Tata Motors, Luthai
Textile Lining, etc..).- Edition and on online publication of the Style-Vision reports in cooperation with a network of 15 creative agencies around the world.
- Promotion of the Insight events
- Creative seminars dedicated to consumer insights and designer trends – in France (2002-2005).
2000-2002 FDK, Paris. Multimedia project manager
- Website creation, online marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
- Design and production of animated films for Téléimages international and SNCF.
1999-2000 CHEZ.COM FRANCE (GROUPE TISCALI), Paris. Editorial manager
- Implementation of the new design in conjunction with the web agency “ID online”.
- Redesign and improvement of tools for creating, implementing and support of partnerships (, …) in collaboration with the editorial and marketing.
1998-1999 LYCOS BERTELSMANN, Paris. Editorial manager & Webmaster
- Launching of the French version of the Tripod website.
- Implementation and adaptation of the graphical elements. (banners, logos).
- Daily edition and publication of web guides (sports, finance, shopping, etc.).
- Coordination of partnerships (Canal +, Elite etc …) and special events.
1993-1997 VIDEA, Paris. Production assistant.
- Television documentary series:
- Des Religions et des Hommes: a 46 X 13′ documentary series with Jean Delumeau, Professor at the Collège de France
- Democracy: a 26 x 26′ documentary series with Olivier Duhamel, Professor at the University of Paris X-Nanterre and Robert Darnton, Professor of history at Princeton University, USA.
- 1997 – 1998 Post graduate degree in Telecommunications, television and digital communication management from University of Paris IX Dauphine.
- 1995-1996 Graduated in economy and management from University of Paris II Panthéon Assas.
Skills and interests
- Languages: English (fluent), Spanish (read, written, spoken), Russian (basic)
- Web/Mobile/Connected TV: My technical skills and practices cover the following technologies:
- Integration: Good practice of HTML, Python, PHP, Javascript, HTML5, CSS and CSS3
- CMS: Good knowledge of WordPress, Drupal, Joomla. notions of CMSimple, SilverStripe, Typo3, eZ Publish. development of plugins (WordPress) modules (Drupal) and Extensions (Joomla)
- Office: MS Office, Open Office
- Animation: Flash, Flex, AS3 concepts
- Webdesign: Good practice in Photoshop, Illustrator concepts
- Wireframes: Good knowledge of Omnigraffle, Axure, Balsamiq Mockups
- Method: Agile (Scrum), organization, implementation tools, … Concepts of Lean UX.
- Video & Audio: Vegas Pro, Sound Forge Pro, ACID Music Studio
- Database: Good knowledge of MySQL, Access Basics
- Encoding: Knowledge of the market leading codecs (webm, mp4, ogg …). MPEG Streamclip, FFMPEG, Adobe Media Encoder, Quicktime, VLC
- Terminal: basic bash applescript, Ms-Dos, Perl. Using ImageMagick, ffmepg, macports
- Tracking: Google Analytics, Adobe SiteCatalyst, Xiti, Tag Commander
- Social network online tools: Google Apps, iCloud, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Basecamp, Sales Force …)
- SEO: Strategy SEO / SEO / SEM, Google Webmaster Tools
- SMO: Open Graph protocol
- CRM: SugarCRM
- Project Management: Jenkins, OpenProj, Redmine, Wiki. Practice of knowledge management
- Mobile: iOS, Android, jQuery Mobile
- Version: Git,SourceTree, Versions
- Connected TV: Knowledge of Android Google TV Addon. Notions of HbbTV
Programming: Good Knowledge in PHP (CodeIgniter, Symfony), Good Knowledge in Python (Anaconda, Streamlit, Numpy, TensorFlow, Pandas for Computer Vision, Deep Learning, IA, Image Classification, Natural language processing, NTLK, Object Detection,) Javascript (jQuery, mustache), AJAX, JSON. Notions of RoR (RubyOnRails), ASP, XML and XSLT
- Hobbies: Running, swimming, cycling, cinema, literature, cooking… and Uke
- Writed a books on testing an API based on my experience in FMM as all the products are API-Centric, on User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for a backoffice with Codeception and CodeceptJS and on a Training in Zambia for ZNBC on how to run a newswebsite with WP.