Au TEDIndia, Pranav Mistry présenta plusieurs outils dont le but est d’aider le monde physique à interagir avec le monde des données. Pranav Mistry est l’inventeur de SixthSense, un appareil portable qui permet de nouvelles interactions entre le monde réel et le monde des données. A voir absolument car cela préfigure déjà ce que la technologie sera capable d’apporter dans peu de temps… La connaissance instantanée.
By now, Bruno Flaven works as AI Coordinator. He has been a project manager in a wide variety of Internet business applications both in Mobile and in Desktop for 20 years now. You can find more information about his professional life on his personal website ( or his linkedin profile: He is currently working In France Media Monde (FMM) mostly on mobile applications (iOS and Android). He has also worked as P.O for a Backoffice project made with Symfony. He also made few trainings to facilitate the handling of the tools that he helps to make. View all posts by Bruno Flaven