I wanted to integrate some of the videos released since the very first lockdown on YouTube. At the least, the best I can do, it…
Tackling the fact-checking issue and the truth’s relative notion in media is skating on thin ice. It is a very dodgy but necessary questioning nowadays.…
Lando, Docker, Development – Discover quickly the potential of Lando with a simple WordPress install
I was looking for the shortest way to learn something about Docker. I have heard a lot of praise about Docker and the opportunity it…
As I have talked with a friend creating a web application with Laravel. I have share with him few insights about how to perform testing…
Continue reading → Laravel, Dusk – Build a web application with Laravel and test it with Dusk
Due to the coming GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), that should come into force on 25th May 2018. Many organisations have to rethink their privacy…
I have made few weeks ago an article about an existing Laravel Admin Panel Generator named Navigator. It was basically a time-saver for a dashboard’s…
I do mainly today mobile applications but I have still few websites running on WP and I have worked with WordPress since a long time.…
Well as usual, I am just storing a post to keep track of some practices. As I know that maybe in 6 months or 2…
Continue reading → Migrating, JSON, MySQL – Migrating data from one API to another
Like anyone, I usually extended functionalities of the browsers that I am using. Unfortunately, when you upgrade your browser, some of the web extension does…
Continue reading → Extension, Chrome, Firefox – Making a quick web extension for Chrome
My purpose was to build-up a quick working administration interface to manage users listing. To be even more precise, journalists’ listing. At least, I had…
Continue reading → Laravel, Navigator – Discovering Navigator an admin panel generator for Laravel
For website and even more for mobile, the purpose of all the application’s creation is to create a compelling user experience but this is wishful…
Continue reading → Framer, Origami – Prototyping mobile applications with the best UX design tool
Still looking for a simple way to handle a POC to create a straightforward and simple API with a minimum of work. I had 2…
L’idée m’est venu de faire la représentation d’un réseau de manière plus ludique. Comme toujours pour faire des représentations graphiques avec des données, on se…
Continue reading → D3 – Représentation avec D3 d’un réseau avec le gouvernement Trump comme exemple
Il existe un trio remarquable pour la lecture des fichiers de logs. Triptyque qui rend intuitif et parlant un certain nombre d’informations-clés notamment si vous…
Continue reading → ELK, elasticsearch, logstash, kibana – Exemples de data analysis à l’aide de ELK
Le développement piloté par le comportement, voilà la traduction forcement moins attirante que sa définition première en anglais : “Behavior Driven Development”. Plus encore le…
On avait vu comment utiliser genymotion comme solution pour tester les .apk sur un parc quasi-infini de terminaux Android. Très souvent dans la phase de…
C’est un sujet récurrent déjà maintes fois abordé dans ce blog. Un “must-have” dans ce que l’on nomme généralement la datavisualisation. Le principe en est…
Un article consacré aux “Best Practices” dans le développement d’applications Android, provenant toujours de la même source Futurice. https://github.com/futurice/ios-good-practices https://github.com/futurice/android-best-practices 1. Utiliser Gradle L’utilisation de…
Il est essentiel de thésauriser l’expérience acquise lors d’un développement, de consigner l’expérience des essais-erreurs commises au cours du cycle de création d’une application par…
La vitesse c’est la modernité, pas vrai ? Rappelez-vous le train à vapeur au 19eme siècle ! Et bien au 21ème, la vitesse, symbole de…
Continue reading → Mobile, AMP – Petit introduction sur AMP Accelerated Mobile Pages de Google