This video is part 3 of the post “Imagemagick, Docker, DevOps Bulk processing images with Imagemagick and Docker, DevOps solution. A quick comparison with Photoshop…
This video is part of the post “Imagemagick, Docker, DevOps Bulk processing images with Imagemagick and Docker, DevOps solution. A quick comparison with Photoshop scripts,…
This video is part of the post “Imagemagick, Docker, DevOps Bulk processing images with Imagemagick and Docker, DevOps solution. A quick comparison with Photoshop scripts,…
Using Gherkin to write User Stories will allow you to write the test at the same time. In this video, I show how to enable…
Continue reading → Enable Gherkin & Using Gherkin Features with CodeceptJS for WordPress
In this video, I advance a little bit more in Gherkin understanding within CodeceptJS by using the DRY mode e.g npx codeceptjs dry-run –sateps .…
Continue reading → Using more advanced Gherkin Features for WordPress With CodeceptJS
In this video, we really launch the Gherkin Features to run the tests on our locally installed WordPress e.g. npx codeceptjs run –features –steps. We…
Continue reading → With CodeceptJS, launching advanced Gherkin Features for WordPress
This video shows a Gherkin feature that test specifically the Homepage with the help of a WordPress plugin. It is good example for a sophisticated…
Continue reading → Combine Gherkin, CodeceptJS & WordPress Plugin for deeper testing
This time, I show you how to make test behind the GUI meaning the screens. In this example, with the help of specific WordPress Plugin…
Continue reading → Testing the WordPress REST API using Chai and CodeceptJS
The idea is to rationnalize and industrialize your tests with CodeceptJS so you carry them out like a testing “swiss army knife” or a E2E…
Continue reading → For a better tests Management with CodeceptJS & Docker
It begins in Zambia… First, a huge thank to all the people from ZNBC, FMM and l’Académie to make this happen. Second part presenting chapter…
Continue reading → Set up a local environment for WordPress (WP), requirements for local environment
This is it! With Docker, through Chrome, I launch for real the WordPress Install with the well-known 5 minutes install. Then, I perform on the…
The basic installation of CodeceptJS to test a local Worpresss, on a custom Local Domain, on MAMP. The video shows how to start and to…
Continue reading → Install, Init & Writing a first test with CodeceptJS for WordPress
Browse through the code repository and make a test that specifically check values for “General Settings” and “Writing Settings” pages in the WordPress Backoffice. This…
Continue reading → More advanced usage with CodeceptJS testing the WordPress backoffice
Testing with CodeceptJS an extended feature of WordPress made with a plugin leveraging on Custom Post Type, Custom Taxonomy & Advanced Custom Fields for journalist…
Once all the tests have been completed, you can present them using a CodeceptJS (CPJS) plugin called Allure. It is a more user-friendly presentation that…
Continue reading → Launching a nice Testing Reports Dashboard with the CodeceptJS Plugin Allure
Requirements & Quick installation to create a testing environment with MAMP with WordPress and Custom Local Domain. This Video #1 is part of a serie…
Continue reading → Building a testing environment with MAMP and WordPress with a Custom URL
Chapter 1_Pioneer_or_Basic_Level : Writing the first test with our Codeception install This video tutorial is part of a serie for BOOK #2 “Defining a testing…
Continue reading → Writing the first test with your Codeception install
From Chapter 2_Settler_advanced_level: More User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for WP: How to test a simple Post creation in WP and a more Advanced Post with…
Continue reading → Testing Post creation with Tags & Categories
From Chapter 3_Leader_expert_level: More User Acceptance Testing for WP. A special distribution to test WP API, WP Backoffice Multilingual, WP Frontoffice and how to use…
Continue reading → Testing WP API, WP Backoffice Multilingual, WP Frontoffice & using Gherkin
From the Chapter 3_Leader_expert_level: Automate with a simple idea (applescript or shell): a single click app to launch the e2e UAT suite. it is a…
Continue reading → Automate Testing with a single-click-app to launch the e2e UAT suite