As PO, my last top-of-mind professional concerns’ inventory: load testing principles, starting K6 for load testing, a quick playwright discovery both with Python and Node, how-to to connect lighthouse with Cypress, how-to to test Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager with Cypress

I know the title sound like a clickbait, and I was about to use the F word in it, but I gave up! So, let’s…

Continue reading → As PO, my last top-of-mind professional concerns’ inventory: load testing principles, starting K6 for load testing, a quick playwright discovery both with Python and Node, how-to to connect lighthouse with Cypress, how-to to test Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager with Cypress

Mustache, Templating library, jQuery, JSON – Utiliser Mustache comme système de template javascript pour une API sortant des flux JSON

Dans un précèdent billet, on avait vu comment utiliser le plugin de jQuery Template pour se faciliter le travail de génération de pages/écrans/IHM depuis des…

Continue reading → Mustache, Templating library, jQuery, JSON – Utiliser Mustache comme système de template javascript pour une API sortant des flux JSON