The purpose of any post is potentially to go from ideation to implementation but often I get overwhelmed by information. Sometime, it is hard to…
The experience, related in this post, was a challenge launched to me, born from both personal and professional factors: 1. From a personal point of…
The use of ChatGPT is in many articles and the internet is buzzing with the “extraordinary” performance of this large language model trained by OpenAI.…
I am currently intensively working with Cypress, a well-known UAT (aka User Acceptance Testing) framework, to write some tests! Within this time, in parallel, I…
Continue reading → Using Selenium with Python for Web Scraping and Form Automation Completion
To a certain point, self-assessment can turn to self-harassment. I guess, most of us have experiment the “evil” todolist syndrom e.g the 10 things to…
After, a getaway in the NFT’s universe with Python, Streamlit, it was probably time to return to some real mediocre issues that often animate a…
Recently, I had to take an interest in the metaverse, which obviously seems to be the future of the web aka Web3! Without overplaying the…
Continue reading → How to create your own NFT Generative Art Collections with Python
You are overloaded with support questions… Meanwhile the corporate hacking just shows you that people are reluctant to change and the User Feedback Loop looks…
If you are not a statistician but you want to get to grip with data-science like me, I have just applied these 2 simple advices.…
So, my objective was to build a dashboard with Streamlit that automate Screaming Frog SEO Spider for large time saves and fast audits then manage…
How to streamline as much as possible an application building process from conception to sharing… I am definitely addicted to Streamlit. So, for the coming…
Continue reading → Deploying and Sharing Streamlit Application with Heroku and Streamlit
Like anyone, I have my small number of wise quotes or practical aphorisms that ring a bell when it is time to give up delving…
Hello bloggy my old friend! I have come to talk with you again… I just released 3 books on Amazon and several videos tutorials about…
Since few months, as I am working on new back-office made with Symfony, I tried to explore the best way to share information with the…
It is true I have given a title to this post that sounds like a user story of somebody who want to make name dropping.…
Swagger, c’est un assortiment d’outils indispensables pour documenter une API. L’aspect le plus saisissant de cet outil est sa faculté à générer une documentation digne…
Continue reading → Swagger, API, Node – Documenter une API avec Swagger
De plus en plus de site ou d’applications s’appuient sur des APIs, c’est presque une banalité que d’énoncer que ce déplacement est inéluctable. Pour manipuler…
Continue reading → Postman, API – Utiliser Postman pour manipuler une API
Le digital et la mort de flash (quoi flash mais qui utilise encore flash) a définitivement fait basculer la police du coté du web, non…
Il est beaucoup question du phénomène du Cloud, de la big data. Toutefois, la consolidation des données dans un espace viable et optimale n’est pas…
Dans le série comment survivre digitalement parlant à la crise, on avait aborder dans des billets précédents le problème de la migration d’un site sous…