Combine Gherkin, CodeceptJS & WordPress Plugin for deeper testing
This video shows a Gherkin feature that test specifically the Homepage with the help of a WordPress plugin. It is good example for a sophisticated testing scenario. It shows the logic to apply if you need to test, for instance, values for a analytics and tracking system implementation or meta-data required for social networks on your homepage .
This Video #8 is part of a serie of 10 Videos for the BOOK #3 “Redefining a testing automation strategy for a P.O. with CodeceptJS & WordPress”The continuous learning trilogy”
Tag(s) : Learning, Learning-by-doing, News, News Website, Quality, Quality management, Scripts, Scrum, Solution, Spike, Testing, Training, Validation, WordPress, Workflow
Categorie(s) : Agile, Development, Experiences, News, Quality management, Testing, Training, Tutorials, Videos, WordPress