With CodeceptJS, launching advanced Gherkin Features for WordPress
In this video, we really launch the Gherkin Features to run the tests on our locally installed WordPress e.g. npx codeceptjs run –features –steps. We will also see how to modify a Feature 00_basic.feature to fully grasp the notion of Definition of Done (DoD), if used in the Agile method.
This Video #7 is part of a serie of 10 Videos for the BOOK #3 “Redefining a testing automation strategy for a P.O. with CodeceptJS & WordPress”The continuous learning trilogy”
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0865TT96K/
Github: https://bit.ly/2wUoAfU
Tag(s) : Agile, Agile Toolkit, Chai, CodeceptJS, Development, Plugin, Quality, Quality management, Scrum, Solution, Testing, Validation, WordPress
Categorie(s) : Agile, Development, Experiences, Quality management, Testing, Training, Tutorials, Videos, WordPress, Workflow